Hot dogs are summer staples. They are best enjoyed on a bun with mustard, sauerkraut, or ketchup. Surprisingly, their nutritional value is overlooked by most people.
Hot dogs are not only delicious, but they are also easy to cook and don’t cost a lot.
In restaurants, backyards, street carts, and baseball games, hot dogs are served. In fact, for most baseball fans, having a hot dog is an important part of watching matches.
It is believed that hot dogs became a baseball staple in 1893 when they started being served at St. Louis Browns’ games. They were such a hit from the get-go that other teams soon followed suit.
“In 2019, people spent over $6.2 billion on hot dogs and sausages nationwide”
National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
Traditionally, hot dogs were made from minced pork and beef which were put into sausage casings. Now there are chicken hot dogs, turkey hot dogs, and soy hot dogs for vegetarians.
Hot dogs contain protein and several nutrients that are beneficial to the body. There are also different varieties of hot dogs with different nutrient formulations. So, whether you’re on a diet or not, you can enjoy a hot dog.
Curious to find out more about the health benefits of hot dogs? Read on.
Table of Contents
- Hot Dog Nutrition Facts
Hot Dog Micronutrients, Minerals, and Vitamins - Hot Dogs Are Rich in Proteins
The Health Benefits of Proteins - Hot Dogs Contain Selenium
The Health Benefits of Selenium - Hot Dogs Are a Good Source of Vitamin B12
The Health Benefits of Vitamin B12 - Discover More About Hot Dogs
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is eating hot dogs healthy?
What are the healthiest hot dogs to eat?
What’s actually in a hot dog?
What goes well in hot dogs?
Hot Dog Nutrition Facts

According to the USDA, a standard hot dog with a bun contains:
- Calories: 314
- Proteins: 11.4 grams
- Sugar: 4 grams
- Carbohydrates: 24.3 grams
- Fat: 18.6 grams
- Sodium: 0.81 grams
- Fiber: 0.8 grams
These figures do not include condiments. The hot dog alone contains 189 calories and has 16.8 grams of fat. When combined with a bun, a hot dog is energy-dense. They are a good pick-me-up if you are starving and looking for a quick energy boost.
Hot Dog Micronutrients, Minerals, and Vitamins
A standard hot dog contains the following minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients:
- Vitamin B12: 30% of your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDU)
- Selenium: 11% RDU
- Zinc: 11% RDU
- Niacin (B3): 7% RDU
- Riboflavin (B2): 7% RDU
- Phosphorous: 6% RDU
- Potassium: 4% RDU
- Iron: 4% RDU
- Vitamin B6: 4% RDU
- Copper: 3% RDU
Hot dogs also contain trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, and thiamine.

Hot Dogs Are Rich in Proteins
A single hot dog has 5.1 grams of protein. Protein is an important nutrient that the body uses to promote the growth and repair of tissues.
Proteins are complex molecules that the body uses to function well. They are made up of many amino acids in chains.
The Health Benefits of Proteins
Proteins are more filling than carbohydrates or fat. This is because proteins promote the production of ghrelin and peptide YY (satiety hormones).
The body breaks down protein into amino acids. These are used to build muscles. If you are lifting weights or trying to gain muscle, eating protein-rich foods will help you to increase your muscle mass.
The body uses dietary proteins to make enzymes, antibodies, messenger proteins, and storage proteins.

Proteins also promote good bone health. Research proved that people that ate more protein as they aged were less likely to develop osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones).
These people also maintained their bone mass much better when compared to people that had a low protein diet.
An awesome benefit of eating a protein-rich diet is that it helps to curb cravings. Cravings are not like normal hunger. They are propelled by the brain and in most cases, cravings are not for healthy food.
So, when you eat a hot dog, you are less likely to have cravings. That’s a two-in-one bonus. Not only will you enjoy the yummy goodness of your hot dog, but you will also keep your other cravings at bay.
Hot Dogs Contain Selenium

Unlike proteins that are an example of macronutrients, selenium is a micronutrient. Most of the selenium that the body uses needs to come from the diet.
Selenium is a mineral that is found in certain types of foods such as poultry, crab, and wheat. It is recommended that an adult gets 125 mcg of selenium every day.
One hot dog contains 11.4 mcg of selenium which is over 10 percent of the daily requirement.
It is very important for brain development, hormone production, and it also helps the body to fight off disease.
The Health Benefits of Selenium
Eating foods that have selenium has numerous health benefits. Selenium promotes the following:
- The degradation of free radicals in the body — Selenium is an antioxidant and it helps to prevent oxidative damage that unchecked free radicals can provoke in the body. When free radicals are eliminated, the body is less likely to develop certain cancers.
- The healthy functioning of the thyroid — The thyroid requires selenium to produce thyroid hormones. A well-functioning thyroid gland better regulates your metabolism and it also controls growth and development.
- Boosting your immune system — Selenium helps to fight off infections that are caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
- Pregnant women that have a diet that is rich in selenium are less likely to develop pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that results in extremely elevated blood pressures. High blood pressure can harm both the mother as well as her unborn baby.
Hot Dogs Are a Good Source of Vitamin B12

A single 6-inch hot dog contains 30% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin B12 for an adult. It is recommended that an adult gets 2.4 mcg of Vitamin B12 every day.
Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women need 2.6 mcg of Vitamin B12 because their bodies will be rapidly producing new cells every day.
Vitamin B12 (or cobalamin) is an essential nutrient that the body cannot make for itself. It needs to be a part of the diet. The body uses Vitamin B12 to keep nerve cells healthy. It is also used to make DNA in body cells.
Vitamin B12 is found in foods such as fish, meat, and poultry. Hot dogs also have Vitamin B12.
As people age, their vision gradually gets worse. This is caused by macular degeneration. Eating a diet that has enough Vitamin B12 has proven to reduce the development of macular degeneration.
The Health Benefits of Vitamin B12
Studies have revealed that a diet that is rich in vitamin B12 had lower levels of homocysteine in their blood. Homocysteine is a compound that increases the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke.
Eating a diet that is rich in Vitamin B12 was linked to a decrease in the likelihood of developing megaloblastic anemia. This is a type of anemia that leads to many systemic complications such as vision problems, memory loss, and damage to the nervous system.
People that eat a diet that has adequate Vitamin B12 have more energy and have improved athletic performance, as well as endurance during vigorous exercise.
Discover More About Hot Dogs
At The Hot Dog, we love all things related to hot dogs. We love to share our knowledge of hot dogs, from the different types of hot dogs to how to prepare them. Our website has many resources that you can use to best enjoy your hot dog experience.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is eating hot dogs healthy?
Hot dogs can be eaten by anyone as part of a healthy diet. Hot dogs are energy-rich and also provide a lot of protein.
Protein is used by the body to repair and maintain muscle. It is also used by children as they grow and develop. Protein also reduces muscle loss.
What are the healthiest hot dogs to eat?
If you are health conscious, there are healthy hot dog options for you too. Grass-fed hot dogs have fewer pro-inflammatory fats and are high in Omega 3, Vitamin E, and beta carotene.
Chicken hot dogs that are made from chicken breasts and thighs are another healthy option. They have fewer calories and they taste just as good as regular hot dogs.
Turkey hot dogs are also very healthy and pack a punch in nutritious value and great taste.
What’s actually in a hot dog?
Hot dogs are made from ground beef, pork, and chicken. Some hot dogs have different combinations of these while others are mostly made from one type of meat.
These days even vegetarians can enjoy hotdogs. There are vegetable-based options available for non-meat eaters such as soy protein hotdogs, wheat gluten hotdogs, and pea protein hotdogs.
What goes well in hot dogs?
Salty, spicy, sweet, or zesty; you can personalize your hot dogs to best suit your taste by using different condiments and toppings. Better yet, you can have all the above in one bite by combining different toppings.
The best condiments for hot dogs are ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, and sauerkraut. The best toppings are onions, relish, coleslaw, and cheese.
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